Pretty weird word, right? Well, it changed my life.
Many years ago, while working as an outside sales representative for a cell phone dealership, I was told of a lady locally who is an Herbalist/Iridologist that can look in your eyes and tell you what supplements you need to take. And, I was told, "if you do what she tells you to do - you will feel 100% better in no time". I have always been very interested in nutrition, herbs, and natural healing - which I believe all go hand in hand. And, I had always wanted to meet a "Real" herbalist, so I pursued.
I met Carol, and learned that she was introduced to Iridology in her own pursuit for direction and healing for the colon cancer she was dealing with. It was the tool that showed her the areas she needed to focus on supporting in order to help her body to heal. She said that during her journey, she made a promise to God that if He spared her life so she could raise her children, she would make it her life's purpose to help others. So she went on to study and learn.
She blew my mind with the assessment she did on my eyes. It seemed like she nailed every one of my ailments, and made so many things make perfect sense. I walked out her door determined to follow her recommendations, and it really did change my life. I became so fascinated with Iridology, that I wanted to learn it. Carol tried to teach me some, but she was so busy with her own practice she suggested I go to the school she went to - and in July 2002, I was certified as a "Master Iridologist".
Iridology is the science of interpreting the various colors and markings within the iris and sclera of the eye. It has been practiced by Doctors and Laymen in several countries for over 100 years. Bernard Jenson was the most well known Iridologist in the US, and his work and findings have been taught and utilized world wide.
While there are many conflicting writings about Iridology, I personally believe that is due to the fact that people are trying to make it something that it is not. They want it to work like a blood test or MRI, to give you a cut and dry diagnosis. That is not what Iridology is about. The iris, like a thumbprint - is completely unique. Much of what is found in the iris is formed in the first two years of life. Therefore, there is a lot to be determined regarding the functional strengths and weaknesses you were born with. According to Toni Miller, a well known Iridologist from Australia, the constitution found in an iris is determined and passed down by the past 3 generations. A basic rule for natural healing is that if you will support the functional weaknesses within the body, it will allow the body to correct and heal as it was designed to do. This concept has proven itself time and time again. Iridology is a wonderful tool to give insight to what some of those weaknesses might be.
Sample Iris Map....